Pool Information

The swimming pool is for the exclusive use of Briarmeadow residents in good standing and their guests. Lifeguards are on duty during the open hours (see below). There is also a swim team: the Briarmeadow Wilde West Stingrays. 

3203 Freshmeadows Drive, Houston TX  77063 


Abbreviated Pool Hours Have Begun

Closed Mondays for cleaning

Aug 16 - Sep 15:

Friday: 4-8 pm

Saturday: 1-8 pm

Sunday: 12-6 pm

2024 Swim Team Registration Opens April 15 

The Briarmeadow Stingrays Summer Swim Team serves neighborhood swimmers in grades K-12.  Practices begin on May 8th and the season runs through the end of June.  Registration for the 2024 swim season will be open online beginning April 15th.  Returning members will be emailed a registration link on April 15th.  Any other interested families should email their Briarmeadow address to StingraysHouston@gmail.com with questions or to request a registration password.  

 If you are interested in sponsoring the team for the upcoming 2024 season, please visit http://www.briarmeadowswim.com/sponsor-the-team/.

                Pool Use

 Residents must sign in every time they use the pool. A list of residents in good standing will be at the pool and checked as you enter. No registration is required this pool season.


Pool Membership is FREE to residents in good standing.  Guests are allowed when accompanied at all times by a resident. 

Lap Swim Information

The before- and after-hours Lap Swim arrangement (formerly known as Adult Swim) will be available soon. Those interested parties will be notified as soon as it is on hand.

Swimming Pool Rental and Pool Management

The pool is managed by Sweetwater Pools. The pool can be rented during off-hours for parties or events. The cost is $40 payable to the HOA with two lifeguards required at $30/hour for a minimum of two hours. The lifeguards are provided by Sweetwater Pools. Pool party registration is open April 1st. Please see the pool rental agreement form for further information. 

Briarmeadow Pool Rules

Diving Board Rules

All rules may be amended or revised without notice, and will become effective immediately upon posting on the bulletin board.